Content & Video
Our first project was a rich banner filled with stunning video of Hawaii. This became the most successful banner in Hawaii Tourism’s history. After that, we decided video would be a staple of our work.
This is why we now have a talented video team, in-house.

Montage Health: All In
We filmed in Monterey County for eight days, imagining what might happen if the entire county decided to get healthy. It was sort of like the macro version of ‘Couch to 5K’.

Milliman: Aurora's Story
Aurora Anderson is making a remarkable sacrifice to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a coder. We documented her journey in a program that’s working to turn the tide for underrepresented groups, like women, people of color, and the LGBT+ community, in tech.

This film was featured in Adweek. Read More

Milliman: The Face of Tenacity
The Fitbit Challenge seemed to have a big impact on the Milliman consultants. When we asked to hear their stories, one of them blew us away.

Blend "Nima's Family Story" Final
Blend is helping people get their first homes. We followed the company’s founder back to Ohio, to see what that first home meant to him—and his immigrant parents.

North Lake Tahoe: Docks of Summer
The client ask was to make a case for Lake Tahoe—in Southern California. They have water, we have water. But what makes a lake truly special?

iShares: The Brand Book
We’ve done a ton of work for iShares. Not a lot of people in banking give branding much thought, so we created this engaging book to explain why this all matters. Participation rose to over 90%.