
Oh, do we have thoughts

Posts in Advertising
Verizon Gives the Super Bowl the Heisman

It’s no secret that each year, dozens of brands from all over the world descend upon the Super Bowl to air their latest and greatest commercial. While some take the high road during the evening to speak out on social issues, others forge a less flattering path by attacking their competition.

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Meet Our New Client

Some people decide to adopt a new pet. We went a step further recently and decided to adopt a whole menagerie. One new pro-bono client is Animal Care and Control, the San Francisco city agency that rescues and finds homes for a veritable Noah’s Ark of animals.

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The Measurement Myth: Humanizing Social Impact

In advertising, creativity is measured to “ensure” the right message hits the right audience. Many times this analysis paralysis is the quickest way to hinder creative expression and innovation.

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Get Me 30 Rock!

There’s a lot of bad advertising out there. But I was blessed to be able to find my pick for the worst ad for all of 2011 right across the street from our offices. What good fortune!

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The census should be this interesting (Hmmmm).

Trade shows are a fact of life. I can’t count the number I’ve attended. No matter the industry, it seems like a virtual certainty that booth traffic is never quite as high as anybody would like.

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